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News & Information

Official Visit at the Tras Innovation Office

SWISSNEX Japan run by the Consulate of Switzerland in Osaka paid an official visit to Tras Innovation Office. With several business links to Switzerland, like the Tras membership in the SCCIJ (Swiss Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Japan), it was planned a while ahead and an excellend opportunity to combine it with a meeting with the Fuji Pharma Valley Center Initiative of Shizuoka Prefecture. SWISSNEX took the opportunity to present the Swiss Startup and Innovation landscape and a lively exchange and discussion on the benefits of innovation exchange and academic collaboration made for a fruitful and fulfilling afternoon.

Dr. Felix Moesner visiting the Fuji Pharma Valley Center

Fuji Pharma Valley Tour with the Swiss Consul Dr. Felix Moesner

Group Photo at Fuji Pharma Valley. Dr. Felix Moesner, Carlos Correa, Gregory Glanzmann, Natsumi Nitta, Mr. Kozakura, Mr. Kosaka, Mr. Ueda, Mr, Inaba

Fuji Pharma Valley Center Entrance Group Photo

Dr. Felix Moesner, REI concept Chair

The Swiss Consul takes a break his respects to the Carbon Fiber REI Concept Chair at the Tras Innovation Office

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